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Ain Shams Medical Journal

It is a Scopus-indexed Publisher and Valid for Scientific Promotions.

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Ain Shams Medical Journal is a regional peer-reviewed journal that publishes original articles, case reports, and systemic review articles dealing with different academic and clinical medical conditions.

Preferences are to original research papers dealing with medical basic sciences, pathogenesis, and management of diseases.

We accept submitted articles from countries all over the world.

We target basic researchers and clinicians both in the academic field and in the different specialties; intending to raise the standard of healthcare given to the patients and improve the quality of research.

Preparing Your Paper

Editorial  Office:

The Ain Shams Medical Journal editorial office is located in the Clinical and Scientific Society, Ain Shams Faculty of Medicine, Abbasia, Cairo, Egypt. Tel. No. 02/28655441, e.mail: [email protected]

We follow the guidelines of the World Association of Medical Editors, and good publication practices produced by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE).

Manuscripts are to be addressed to the editorial office in paper form (2 copies & in a soft copy form). On submitting the paper, the editorial board will investigate whether the paper follows the guidelines of the journal and then it will be sent for peer reviewing. After reviewing papers, the authors will have to make modifications before publishing and bring the paper after modifications in paper form and soft copy form. Then the authors will receive the first proof revised and no further modifications will be allowed.

For clinical trials, kindly try to be registered in a public registry (database) before consideration for publication. Additionally, please conform to the guidelines for reporting clinical trials found here;

Preparation of manuscript:

The manuscript should be in English language and should include the following:

(1) Title page (2) abstract and keywords (3) text (4) references (5) figures and legends (6) tables.

It should be typed on A4 size paper using Font Times New Roman or Arial, size 14. The page should not exceed 30 lines.

Title Page:

It should include the full name, degree, and affiliation of all authors and their institutions. The corresponding author should also provide his e-mail and tel. No.

Running title should be in less than 40 characters and should indicate the main items of the articles.

Information about grants or funds is to be mentioned.

All contributing authors should sign a declaration form about their contribution to the research.

Redundant or duplicate publication:

You must confirm that your paper has not been published in its current form or substantially similar form elsewhere including on a website and also, it has not been accepted for publication elsewhere.

Conflicts of interest:

Authors have to disclose all possible conflicts of interest, including financial and other relationships that can bias the results.


Do not exceed 300 words for Original articles and Reviews, and 100 words for case reports. The abstract must be structured in separate sections including background, aim, methods, results (the main finding), and conclusion. An Arabic abstract must be provided.


Include a list of two to six keywords representing the main content of the article.


The text should include the introduction and aim of the work. Do not use acronyms or abbreviations other than those for units of measurement. If abbreviations are used in the text they should be defined in the text at first use and a list of abbreviations can be provided. The methods of the study must include the design of the study with a clear description of the steps. The company from which the materials were purchased must be mentioned and also statistical tests must be specified.


Results are preferred to be clear and concise. Try to avoid duplication of the results. Personal details of the patients are not allowed except if you have written permission from them.

Statistical analysis

All methods of statistical analysis and used tests should be clearly described.


It should explain and explore the results without repeating them.


Acknowledge anyone who contributed to the article conception, design acquisition of data or analysis, but does not have the criteria of authors.

Place acknowledgments at the end of the text, before references.


  • Give each table a number (in Arabic numerals: Table 1, 2, etc.)  in the order of their appearance in the text. Each table should have a concise heading as a title.
  • Provide a footnote to each table, identifying all abbreviations used.


  • Color images should be submitted at a minimum of 300 dpi (resolution).
  • Save figures as either TIFF or JPEG files.
  • Please note the artwork of published articles will not be returned.
  • Use arrows or alphabet to designate special features.
  • For color figures, the actual printing cost will be charged to the author.
  • Manipulation of images for brightness, contrast, or color balance is accepted. However, manipulation for purposes of deception or fraud will be considered scientific ethical abuse.

Figure legends:

  • When arrows are used in the figure, indicate the specific feature in the figure legend followed by “arrow)”.
  • Indicate magnification for all photomicrographs.

Drug Names:

Generic names should, in general, be used. If an author desires, brand names may be inserted in parentheses.


All references, including URLs, must be represented numerically in the text. The references must be numbered consecutively, in square brackets, in the order in which they are cited in the text. Each reference must have an individual reference number, Please avoid excessive referencing.

Provide the first-page number for all journal references and a specific page number for all book references. Indicate all abstracts as “(Abstract)”. Use abbreviations for the names of all journals listed in Index Medicus. For those not listed, spell out the full name of English language journals.

Citations to unpublished work should not be entered in the list of references unless the paper has been accepted for publication. Include them in the text as “(unpublished observation)”, “(personal communications)., or “(manuscript in preparation)”, with authors’ initials and surnames.

Sample references are as follows:

Reference to a journal publication:

(1) Rakhesh S V, D’Souza M, ahai A. Quality of life in psoriasis: a study from south india. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2008; 74(6):600-6

For references from books:

(7) Kottila K. Recovery period and discharge, In: White P, 2nd ed. Outpatient Anaesthesia. New York, USA: Churchill Livingstone Inc, 2000: 169-265

In cases of chapters in a book, you must mention the edition, the publisher and the pages for example:

(9) Pessayre D, Feldmann G, aouzi D, Fau D, Moreau A, Neumann M. Hepatocyte apoptosis triggered by natural substances (cytokines, other endogenous molecules and foreign toxins). In Cameron RGm Feuer G (editors): Apoptosis and its Modulation by Drugs. Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 2000, pp. 57 -96

For URLs, it should be written in full and it is better to include the date when the reference was last accessed.

Letters to the Editor:

Letters to the Editor are considered for publication (subject to editing and abridgment). Provided that they are submitted in duplicate, typewritten in double space, and do not exceed 40 typewritten lines of manuscript text (excluding references). Letters should not duplicate similar material being submitted or published elsewhere, and they should not contain abbreviations.

Ethical consideration

The approval of the ethical committee of the institution in which the research was done is required. 

Publication Fees

The publication fee for Ain Shams Medical Journal is for Egyptian authors only (Free for non-Egyptian authors). The cost of an Article of up to 10 papers is 1300 EP, and each paper will cost 100 EP. Publication fees will be required once the paper is finally accepted for publication. The acceptance to pay the handling fee is not a guarantee that the paper will be accepted for publication. Authors may still request (in advance) that the editorial office waive some/or all the handling fees under special circumstances. Please send the fees to our account in BANK MISR [ Ain Shams University] account number [1490001000000677].